Barbie Fascism Poses A Brilliantly Evil to Democracy

4 min readNov 20, 2020

It’s a simple idea. Get women dolled up, put them in front of a camera, let them spout all kinds of lies. And to think, men used to say women were

After all, Barbie sold toxic beauty standards for a century. Women like her are ideally positioned to market all kinds of bad ideas.

Tomi Lahren. Bros on the right frequently compare them to the “fat angry feminist” trope, as evidence that somehow having skinny blond women on your side equates to unquestionable moral superiority.

Currently, fascists like One America News correspondent Chanel Rion (pictured above) are playing a key role in promoting election fraud conspiracies that even Fox News won’t touch. Trump is tweeting them all day long to legitimize himself. In turn, Chanel is happy with the publicity and

The women themselves aren’t innocent here, obviously. It’s one thing for them to leverage their sexuality in order to advance their own careers. We even applaud some women for doing that. It’s something else to do this at the expense of other women, and democracy itself

Conservative politicians have never cared about equality. They’ve been fickle on issues like maternity leave and gender discrimination. They don’t support equal pay legislation. They outright oppose women’s rights when it comes to healthcare, abortion, and contraceptives.

Many conservative politicians believe it’s impossible for a woman to get pregnant from rape. They also think you can conduct a gynecological exam on a woman by sticking a little camera down her throat.

They don’t understand anything about women. They don’t understand women’s history. They don’t get women’s anatomy.

They’ll use women, though.

They especially like highly attractive ones who are willing to sell out basic human rights for their own career goals, or former swimsuit models who’ll wear jackets saying “I Don’t Really Care” to child concentration camps. If you’re pretty and petty, anything goes.

They’ll point to these women as evidence that they’re not sexist, even while sexually harassing them at every opportunity. Some of these women, like Megyn Kelly, decide the price is too high.

By then, it’s almost too late.

Donald Trump Has Branded Barbie Fascism.

It may have started with Fox News. Since then, Donald Trump made a point of weaponizing sexist tropes for his political gain. He still uses his daughter as feminist arm candy. She travels the world on taxpayer money, passing her privilege off as “female entrepreneurship.”

He surrounds himself with young, vibrant women like Hope Hicks — whose appearance makes him more palatable to white women voters. The logic goes like this: “If Hope Hicks can stand to be around the president, and doesn’t complain about him trying to grab her by the pussy, then all of those sexual assault allegations must be fony.”

The sad part is that this transparent tactic worked.

In 2020, 55 percent of white women voted for Trump. Barbie Fascism can’t explain all of that, but it explains a lot.

One study has shown that women do, in fact, retain more news information when it’s presented by sexualized female anchors on networks like Fox News. Especially ones who wear tight-fitting outfits, makeup, and jewelry. Men tend to retain fewer details, which isn’t to say they’re any less compelled to believe fake news (even if they can’t remember why). So, chalk one up for internalized sexism.

That’s how this version of identity politics works. People vote for candidates who look and sound like them, or who somehow embody traits they desire to see in themselves. Put skinny white women next to Donald Trump. Have them talk about how great he is. Then watch white women vote for him, because other white women said it was okay.

Barbie Fascism Tries to Defuse Real Feminism.

Donald Trump has accused female politicians of playing “the woman card,” suggesting that women use their marginalized status to criticize and shame men who disagree with them.

It’s treated as a form of aggression.

Of course the likes of Trump would accuse women of doing exactly what he’s guilty of, using fake feminism as a shield. His supporters and apologists are quick to claim feminism for themselves. They pretend the GOP is a progressive champion of women’s rights.

If you disagree with them, or suggest they’re putting their own personal goals and interests ahead of actual equality, that makes you sexist. They’re not shy about playing that card, either.

This is the kind of feminist who still pays homage to the “girl boss”, an obsolete term and backhanded compliment that says women should advance their careers by emulating the same toxic behavior that male CEOs have. Instead of crafting an alternate vision of entrepreneurship — one that promotes actual feminist values: listening, cooperation, shared leadership, corporate responsibility, and respect for genuine self-care.

Barbie Fascism is not feminism.

It’s simply women championing a culture that rewards some of them for conforming to sexist ideals while pretending that toxic, misogynist attitudes are their own original ideas.

Barbie Fascists Are Helping Trump Steal Democracy.

Americans still fall prey to sexist stereotypes all the time, the most lethal one being that pretty young women are harmless.

A lot of people, even fairly liberal ones, just wouldn’t expect a bunch of fascist trash to come out of someone who looks so young and appealing. It’s called the halo effect, a sort of automatic receptiveness toward people who conform to our culture’s dominant beauty standards.

Humans have always tended to equate a pleasing physical appearance with glowing morality and pure intentions.

